Vorspiel Transmediale Festival, Berlin

Wrong Biennale

Rencontres Audiovisuelles. Video Mapping Contest. Lille, France

an|grenzen: Ausnahmezustand! Ein Lyrikspektakel. Göttingen, Germany


“The soft and the hard”, group exhibition. Berlin Art Week. Showroom on Potsdamer Str, 93.

Art Symposium “Alt und Neue in Adlershof”. Kulturzentrum Adlershof, Berlin

TRANSPONDER, Group exhibition. Vorspiel/CTM/Transmedialle Festival. Alte Münze, Berlin


“Worlds of Networks”. Centre Pompidou, Paris.

Such stuff as worlds are made on. Spazju Kreattiv (Malta’s National Centre For Creativity), Valletta.

Hong Kong Arts Festival, Hong Kong.

Dreaming Kursaal. Mapping Projection, Narva-Jõesuu


NUIT BLANCHE 2021 : Forever Too Much, Much Too Forever. AV piece „X planet“, Paris.

Fernaustausch. Group Ausstellung (Gefördet von Neustart Kultur. Kunstfonds), Beesenstedt.

mkv x @thewrong.tv Online Screening.

Lumen Project. Audiovisuelle Installation. TU und Freie Gelände, Potsdam.

Waxing Phases. Online AV Festival, Berlin.


Creative Code Festival II, Light Box, New York

“Spätaussiedler*innen. Die verlorenen Zweige“.   Der Kommission ′′ 30 Jahre Friedliche Revolution und Deutsche Einheit ′′. Potsdam 

„Circles against Squares“. Group Exhibition.   BAS Galerie, Berlin   

Creative Code Festival, New York-Panama. Online

Lights on. VJ Open Lab Solidarity Action during the Corona crisis. Mapping on the Emmaus Church, Berlin

Pixels Fest, Ekaterinburg, Russia

“50/50. The matter of duality“, in Paul-Fleischmann- Haus, Berlin

„Trial and Theresa. Firehouse #2“. Vorspiel/CTM/Transmediale Festival. Kosmetiksalon Babette, Berlin


„Challenge my fantasy more“ Festival of media art and theatre. Parkaue Theater, Berlin

„ W. Shakespeares Bladerunner 0.2 | Die unerträgliche Lynchigkeit des Seins“. Hochschule für Schauspielkunst

Ernst Busch, Berlin

„Trial and Theresa“, 48 hours Neukölln Festival, Berlin

Genius Loki Lab, Media Architecture Festival, Weimar

Solid matter liquid dreams, Atelierhof Kreuzberg, Berlin

Unbearable lightness, Artag gallery, Helsinki


CTM Festival in the frame of Transmediale Festival, AV Performance, Berlin, Germany

Open Atelier in the Uhrwerk Gallery, Berlin, Germany.

White performance. Spectrum, Berlin, Germany.


AV Performance „Memory of Water“ Petersburg Art Space, Berlin, Germany

Live Visual Performances at Spektrum, Berlin

2014 – 2008

Cyberfest. St.Petersburg, Russia. New York, USA.

Schwindel. Salon am Moritzplatz. Berlin, Germany.

Festival of Young Art. Rundgung. Berlin, Germany.

Artist presentation. General Public. Berlin, Germany

Ad memoriam. Video installation. Kuvankevat festival. Kaiku gallery. Helsinki, Finland.

Dum Spiro, Spero. Audiovisual installation. Fafa gallery. Helsinki, Finland.

Shouting gallery. Interactive video installation. Group exhibition “Birds of feather flock together”. Fafa gallery.

Helsinki, Finland.

Ruder project. Media installation. 3H+K gallery. Pori, Finland

Myths. Multidisciplinary project with Butoh.name theater. Dance festival. Tilakka. Tampere, Finland; Valkeakoski theater. Finland

I am going to seek/ audio and video installations. Värjäämö, Pori, Finland. Personal exhibition.

My favorite toys. *Qui vive?* – II Biennale of young art. Art center ”Art play”. Moskow, Russia.

Photo-robot / photo morphing . Sremski Karlovci, Serbia. Group Exhibition

I am going to seek / video installation. KevatKumpu Festival, Finland.

Art-Baraholka II / happening. Moving Baltic Sea Festival. The Kuryuchin’s Contemporary Art Center, St. Petersburg, Russia etc……